artist within


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artist within



Its fun to make memories and try something you don't do every day and to have a keepsake make it great


Fun place to go with friends to try out your creative skills! I went with a small group of ladies for the first time. We all enjoyed ourselves and our projects turned out pretty good thanks to the help of the owner and staff! They were able to help us make selections of colors and products.


Something fun to do when you don't know what to do. Paint a pot, mug, bowl, or lots of other choices. We were there for a birthday party and even the adults enjoyed creating their own masterpiece.


The Artist Within in, hands down, my favorite place to go and spend some time with friends in Muncie.They are a family friendly Paint-Your-Own-Pottery studio in downtown Muncie. I really enjoy doing the PYOP with friends - or my boyfriend - whenever I can. You select the item you wish to paint, pick your colors, and get started. They have a number of tools to help with painting, including stencils, various brushes, sponges, dot-tools, etc. The staff is really good about helping with ideas or color selection, but that's also why I like going with friends - we can encourage each other's creativity. You pay only for the item(s) you paint. (I've done items ranging from $15-30, but there are some that are more/less depending on what you choose to do.) There are no hidden studio fees or charges for the number of colors you use or whatever. It's really exceedingly reasonable. I've made mugs and plates as gifts, a tile-key holder for myself, and a few other items.I really enjoy the space and the willingness of the staff to assist you where needed.I've seen everyone from children with parents to old couples to solo-artists to big girls-night-out groups here, and they all seem to love it.So if you're looking for something a bit different to do in Muncie, give them a try! My only advice: allot PLENTY of time here. You have to do multiple coats of paint for the color to come through, so it can take a bit of time. I would say about 3 hours or so to select and paint a piece.A little more information about the business itself:They also have an art gallery and on the first Thursday of every month, they have an opening reception and change their featured artist for that month.Other regular events include BYOB Nights (the last Friday of each month) and Kid's Nights (the second Friday of each month). You can rent their space for private events, such as birthday parties and fundraisers. They also have week long clay camps for children & teens during the summer and evening drawing, painting, and pottery classes at night for anyone 13+ during the rest of the year.

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