sandy river and rangeley lakes railroad


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sandy river and rangeley lakes railroad



On a gorgeous Columbus weekend we traveled to the western lakes and mountains of Maine for a spectacular display of fall foliage at its best. On Saturday we took in the Ghost Train at the Sandy River and Rangeley Lakes Railroad. This is definitely on a to do list if you are touring with children in that area in the fall. We rode the train at the same time last year and enjoyed it so much that we took our grandson along this year and it did not disappoint! The historic little railroad teams up with local communities and makes many runs into the dark woods as local organizations from neighboring towns gather in clustered live scenes to frighten us along the half mile route. At the end of the line the conductor has us switch sides on the antique narrow gauge train so that we all have an opportunity to be frightened by the spooky sights on each side of the rail.This small railroad, once the largest of the Maine Narrow Gauge Railroads, is a jewel in this scenic part of Maine. We have visited it frequently during the summers for several years. The entire excursion during the summer takes close to an hour with a guided tour of the grounds and eight stall round house with historic antique rolling stock, steam engine and buildings under restoration. Each time we visit we see another peice of equipment painstakenly restored and on display.

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