terrace hill


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terrace hill



Beautifully maintained Victorian mansion and the home of the governor. Well worth the time. This home has been repeatedly featured in the Iowan magazine and ranks high among places to visit in the state's capital.


Terrace Hill is a historically beautiful place to tour. While the governor and his family were not at home for this visit, I am very glad that I had the chance to see the beauty of the mansion and hear about the history behind the mansion. The added feature for our tour was that the mansion was decorated for Christmas and a performance of A Christmas Carol. The trees were decorated from the period of the building (1800's) and those decorations just really added to our experience. Additionally, if I had known that a performance was going to take place, I would have bought tickets! I think being the performance, which moves from room-to-room, would have been a great ending for a day out. A suggestion....check the website or call about future performances in the mansion, I'm sorry that I didn't do that.


It’s probably just me, but I am uncomfortable touring a house that people live in. Since this is the governor’s house, the family was there on my tour out in the backyard. You only get to see the first and second floor, and family lives on the third floor, but the kids were out playing in the backyard I felt like I was intruding. The tour starts in the carriage house, and they have the history of the house and a short film which is very good witch actors portraying the families that lived in the house. Then you walk over to the house. You can take pictures of the outside, but none on the inside which is a shame since it is spectacular. My tour guide was very good, and I ended up taking the tour solo so we could talk. If you like Victorian style old houses, this one is a treat. From crystal chandeliers to hand carved woodwork, it really is spectacular. Parking is on the street, which is narrow and winding.


This gives you a good view of Iowa 1800's from the view of the banker/businessman/inversionist, rather than just the dirt farmer.I do not like Victorian homes, too over the hill, but this is definitely of historic interest.The guide was very personable, everyone was very pleasant.


This was an interesting tour learning about the history of the mansion. There is so much to learn and the governor has only been residing here for a short time. For just a few bucks, it is well worth the short tour.


I was a chaperone with a school tour and thoroughly enjoyed the tour. The guides are very knowledgeable and enjoy their jobs. There was no other groups there, so we had the whole house to ourselves. Terrace Hill is the Governor's residence, but was the home of the most wealthy resident of Des Moines in the 1800's--sparing no expense when constructed at the time. They give you the full history of the families who lived in the home and what each room's intended use was. Some rooms are not shown as they are still used by the Governor. Most of the home is restored to the early 1900 style and is in beautiful condition. If you enjoy late 1800 history and homes of that era, this is the place for you. Parking is available on the nearby streets (free). It might be worth calling ahead to make sure you don't show up when a busload of schoolkids is taking a tour. Visit the website for times of guided tours. $5 for adults, $2 children.


We were the only 2 people on our tour, so maybe that's why it was so fun ---- but really, our guide was interesting, and we learned a lot on our tour. He took his time, which let us really look around and take in the details. Des Moines' governor is lucky to have such a gem available to him!


We had a lovely time touring the grounds of Terrace Hill. Beautiful home, beautiful grounds and the most interesting conversation with the Governor and First Lady. Would highly recommend this attraction to all.


This house is beautiful and full of stories. We really enjoyed the tour and loved seeing it. The beautiful staircase with the stained glass window was marvelous. The whole property was really great to see.


We did a drive-by of Terrace Hill. It's a beautiful property. Now the Iowa Governor's Mansion, previously the Hubbell Family Home.


It is a vary nice old home in the DSM area were the Gov. of Iowa lives . It was built back in the late 1890s


The tour of Terrace Hill was very interesting and the stories were very informative and fun to listen to. This tour is NOT for toddlers and their sippy cups! There is history to preserve and dripping sippy cups are not allowed.


You'll be captured by its ornamentation frills . The tours of the public areas of its interior also will keep you interested. It would be fun to be able also see the upper floors that is the state governor's private residence, but you need an invitation from the governor to do so.


Educational and fun to see where the Govenor and his family spend some of their time. It has been a long while since I have been there, but really enjoyed it.


Really a nice view at night. Flying in to Des Moines it glows.

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