big stone lake


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big stone lake


This lake is the birthplace of the Minnesota river and borders South Dakota. It is a very quiet lake with not a lot of boat traffc when I was here. The geology of the area is really cool with large sections of exposed bedrock and large glacial boulders littered around. Very epic and astounding in beauty.


Maybe it's just me but every time I come here I drive around for an hour trying to find public access. Once I manage though I always enjoy myself. For such a large lake there's not many bars, restaurants, rental places etc on the water which is a slight negative but it's quiet and relaxing. HUGE lake that you could spend days upon days on.


Trip was a disaster... but it was all just bad luck. Normally, fishing is pretty good. South Dakota laws, even with a Minnesota license.. so you can use two lines. Walleye limit is 4, but that's ok.


The wildlife viewing, birding, fishing, boating and hunting opportunity, makes this area a great place to visit.


Good fishing, beautiful sunsets, clear water, whats not to love?? :)


Big stone lake is kept large bya spill way, that keeps the MN River flowing all year.

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