north state books


地址: 暂无

开放时间: 暂无

north state books



This is the kind of bookstore you'd find in an Harry Potter movie on Diagon Alley. Right across from the courthouse in Lincolnton, this bookstore draws you in by the tables piled high with books outside the store. Every outside book, $.50 - on the honor system. Inside is bibliophile heaven! No sanitized Barnes and Noble here, with just the latest new novel. Instead, there are teetering racks, loaded with books, smelling of age and mystery. Books are piled in high stacks, nestled in nooks and crannies, tucked in around chairs and couches which are also covered in books. There is an order, if one takes a moment to just absorb the smell and feel and figure it out. The owner is most helpful and interesting, and I found several titles for which I'd been looking and had given up hope. Great place to spend some time in!

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