rusty wallace racing experience


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rusty wallace racing experience



My wife had bought this for me for Christmas knowing that I would love it. I really enjoyed getting behind the wheel of a race car and driving the fifteen laps. It was a great experience and would love to do it again.


I recently had an unforgettable experience of a lifetime driving a late model short track race car at the South Sound Speedway in Rochester, Washington. Are you the kind of person who likes to take the curves a little faster? Maybe even go a little faster on the freeway but are afraid of getting pulled over? This is definitely for you. The adrenaline rush you feel while accelerating in the straightaways and the G-force around the turns is unbelievable. My day began with a short but informative safety class, which was very detailed and specific to keeping the Drivers safe. Once suited up and ready to go, I took advantage of the ride along option which I highly recommend to everyone. It not only gives you a great sense of what the cars can do and how to properly execute the track but really gets the adrenaline flowing. Now I'm ready to race and my blood is pumping. As I'm climbing into the car through the window the reality that I am about drive this thing starts to set in. After given the ear buds and the radio check, I begin to feel like a race car driver and when the spotter starts giving tips and directions the experience really starts to happen. While out on track I found myself at one point having the entire track to myself about 5 laps into my 10 lap package and starting to cut loose. Then, just as I was feeling comfortable I was given the checkered flag and my adventure was over. Even though the whole experience only lasted a couple of hours it was worth every penny. My only regret of the day is that I did not purchase extra laps. Next time I will definitely go for at least a 15 or 20 lap package.


This is an amazing way to experience what it is like in a real stock car. Definitely buy at least 10 laps as it takes a while to get comfortable in the car. Starting out with a ride with a professional driver is great as he shows you the track before you drive on your own.


Professional, and very well done. Plus really really fun. Buy 10 laps. 5 laps you just get the feel of it about the 3rd one.


Went to southsound speedway for the second year to drive a late model short track car and just had a blast. I bought a 20 lap package and 2 friends went also. They worked it out so that we all got to go out at the same time which made it a lot more fun. Every lap we just got faster and faster and when slower cars got in the way they would pull over and let me go around them. I bought a video of my experience and they forgot to turn on the camera so when I told them about this and complained to a few people they gave me 20 more laps free. This was the best thing they could have done but I was surprised they just didn't say sorry and give me the money back for the video. That made me so happy because last year my video didn't turn out and they gave me a picture in place of the video. I didn't really want another picture. It was so much fun that I plan on going again next year and bring more friends along to race with.

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