

地址: 暂无

开放时间: 暂无







奥斯陆市政厅,也是奥斯陆的地标之一,内部各个大厅的壁画装饰都很精美,都是出自挪威著名艺术家之手。作为一个仍在正常使用的政府办公场所,进入奥斯陆市政厅并不收门票,每天9-16点开放,节假日和部分日期(因为有特殊活动之类)除外。要参观几个重要大厅,比如诺贝尔和平奖的颁奖厅等,则可以通过免费的guided tour(有英语讲解),建议事先做好这方面的功课,市政府网站上有具体的信息。




You need to enter this building from the rear which, to our mind gives you a view of the best thing on offer, the clock. The huge wooden carvings going up to this entrance give some ideas about Norse mythology but once inside this huge space is really not particularly appealing or good at explaining the relevance of the massive paintings on the walls. Entrance is free, but there is no visitor information at weekends. To our minds this wasn't in the same league as the City Halls in either Stockholm or Copenhagen but does allow an elevated view of the Oslo Fjord.


We approached the City Hall from the harbour and thought the building was pretty ugly - very municipal. But go round the other side to the entrance and it gets better by the minute. You are free to go in and wander about. The hall where the Peace Prize presentation takes place is huge and stunning. Go up the staircase and look around all the rooms off the gallery.Really worth a visit.


Huge building near the Oslo waterfront. Interesting architecture. In front of it is an open space with benches, fountains and lots of wonderful flowers in different colors. I didn't have a chance to see it inside, as it has some wonderful fresco paintings worth seeing.


This is a monumental building and looks ugly outside but go inside. The main hall and all rooms have amazing fresco paintings. I think the gigantic paintings are as interesting as in the Oslo museums, even more interesting.


By far, the Oslo City Hall was one of our favorite destinations. This elegant, ornate city hall is beautiful. On the day we visited, young classical musicians were playing a concert. Before their performance began, the performers walked through the crowd playing their music much to the delight of visitors. Schoolchildren were visiting and sat with their teachers on the floor to watch the performance after the musicians had 'warmed up' playing among the tourists. The acoustics in this great hall were perfect for the 10-12 musicians led by their teacher, such a treat. With light streaming through windows, the walls are brightened with fine works of Norwegian art, murals, and paintings. Must mention, this is a great stop for souvenirs (magnets, mugs, mouse pads, posters, calendars) and drinks. On the outside, the City Hall is reminiscent of the typical city hall. The building is very nice, but I would not describe the outside of the building as elaborate or inviting. The city hall like other city halls is 'typecast' as a governmental building. Except the Oslo City Hall is so much more. Actually, we were with a group here and as we walked from the outside, inside I expected a city/government building. However, once inside I was mesmerized by the beauty, streaming light illuminating the art, and murals forming a backdrop for fine musicians to serenade the visitors. Extraordinary - loved this building. The City of Oslo should be proud. We are very fortunate to have had the opportunity to visit the Oslo Radhus!


An amazing building, both inside and out! The exterior surfaces are decorated with reliefs and monumental structures depicting various stories and myths. Inside The Great Hall the walls are covered in huge paintings and friezes. At the top of the marble staircase are the Hardrade Room , the Munch Room and the Festival Gallery. So much to see and all for free!


The visit was quite a learning experience for me. There was a whole lot of artworks by Norwegian masters and apart from that the décor and the whole interiors exhibited tradition Norwegian styles. The place fortunately has a whole lot of required information and it makes it even more helpful and rewarding


Standing proud in the center of the city, the city hall houses some of the best artworks that oslo has to offer. The entire place is adorned with Norwegian arts and handiworks and a whole lot of information even in English will give you all the required and interesting facts about the culture, history and folklores of this country and because of which It is actually a rewarding place to visit.


Something worth a trip if you've time to spare. Oslo isn't huge so this could be a good place to spend sometime. It would have some exhibition as well. The building itself is quite interesting with the bell going off at an interim (didn't really figure out yet).


It was only a couple of weeks after our visit that the Banquet Hall was to be again used for the Nobel Peace Presentation. The walls of the hall have enormous paintings depicting Norwegian life. There are seats along the walls so that you can sit and admire the artwork. You would expect to find the main entrance facing the harbour but it is on the other side. The Nobel Peace Centre is nearby so compliments a visit to the Centre.


Was an amazingly beautiful place in a wonderful city. Our hotel was nearby and this is a worthwhile stop in between other visits. Doesn't take too long so can be easily inserted in between and is centrally located.

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