masonic temple historical marker


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masonic temple historical marker



This is tremendous! Great to see it. But a little sad. Wish it were preserved better. I believe students bicycle by here all the time and have no idea what they are seeing. It should be preserved as a museum. Perhaps Mr. Broad should occupy this building instead of constructing a monstrosity at the entrance to the campus.


This is what is left of the old Masonic Temple in East Lansing. There is a new temple in Lansing but it's not the same. This building went up in 1915 but was given up sometime in the 1980s ? and has now been converted to apartments mainly for students. Apart from a table over the door, the name of the apartments little is left. Worth seeing and pondering how time marches on!


The historical Marker for the East Lansing Masonic Temple contains some very interesting information. It is located in front of the building. Part of the history of this city.

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