gile cheese store


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开放时间: 暂无

gile cheese store



We traveled from Platteville to Cuba City, WI - just 8 miles. Nice little store in a beautiful small town. Great cheese & meat selection and some gift/food items. Prices reasonable.


My husband and I try to make it to the Gile Cheese Store at least once every couple months. It is over an hour away, but it is worth it to us. The cheese is so much better and cheaper than that at our local grocery stores.


Love stopping there for fresh grated cheese, they sell it in small bags that are great for freezer. We got several bags and are almost out now. Everything tastes great . samples are the best


This cheese store is a good spot to get local cheese or candy souvenirs. They can even ship straight from the store by Fedex. Personally, I frequent it because it is the cheapest place I've found around here to buy feta cheese.

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