iron gates


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iron gates



Looking at the swirling waters of the Danube and restless is easy to understand the fascination for the most spectacular river of Europe. Ada - Kaleh island, Orsova city and numerous other localities on both sides disappeared forever into the depths of the Danube, when a real high energy giant was build in the 70s. Large Boilers is best known as the narrowest ravine, here the water depth reaches even 60 m. You can take a boat for around 5 - 10 euros/ person, depends how you negotiate and take a tour of the gates. Are also some caves to visit.


The stretch of the Danube that flows through the Iron Gates is spectacular. The face of Decebalus Rex overlooks your movement on the river from the Romanian bank. On the Serbian bank there is a plaque commemorating Trajan. The remains of Gobulac castle is on the same bank. Along this stretch of the Danube there are two hydroelectric locks, Iron Gate 1 and 2 that must be navigated when on the river. The gorge is beautiful but can really only be appreciated from a boat on the Danube.


The gorge itself was a highlight of our Danube cruise. However, we docked at Orsova & walked into to town along a very busy main road, then found some very poor & run down property. As yet there is nothing for tourists, we even gave the one bar we found a mis & returned to our ship by taxi!


The Iron Gates which is a gorge on the River Danube forms part of the boundary between Romania and Serbia. The gorge lies between Romania in the north and Serbia in the south. At this point, the river separates the southern Carpathian Mountains from the north-western foothills of the Balkan Mountains. The Romanian side of the gorge constitutes the Iron Gates natural park, whereas the Serbian part constitutes the Derdap national park. The Iron Gates are part of the experience of the Danube River but one that must be experienced to fully appreciate.


Learn about the building of the dam and the towns that were drowned, incl the original Orsova. Go in the lift down to the view the turbine hall. You may be asked to wait outside the museum for a short while for some strange reason. The museum is at the far end of the access road car park, not very obvious at first.


The Iron Gates is an amazing 83 mile-long stretch of the Danube River separating Serbia and Romania. The scenic gorge contains two hydroelectric dams Iron Gate 1 and Iron Gate II. This project raised the river's water level by 114 ft. Along with the majestic scenery, the gorge bears a large plaque as a reminder of the "hanging road" built into the cliff side by the Romans around 103 AD. You will also pass a beautiful Orthodox Church built on what appears to be a pier and also the Severin Castle and Golubac Fortress. Another interesting sight is that of a huge face carved into the rock as a tribute to Decebal (the founding father of Romania).


the view is great. it is hard to imagine how the entire place looked like before the dam was built, hundreds of people had their life changed by the dam.go to the museum and see how the region evolved from 100 AD till now. The greatest things in the museum are the Turkish interior (the sinked island of Ada Kaleh was lived by Turks) and of course the turbines room.


Перед нами Румыния! Да, именно там находится лицо, которое выбили альпинисты в твёрдой породе. С каждым годом оно, к сожалению, осыпается. Уже пропала щетина, но черты лица читаются без проблем. Ещё одна интересная фотография, а некоторые и вовсе даже верят, что сотворено это природой.


Una de las mejores, sino la mejor, excursión fluvial que hemos podido hacer. Pasear entre Serbia y Rumania, por las aguas verdes del Danubio, entre monasterios, cuevas y gargantas monumentales, con Decebal imponente sobre el río....precioso


Remontar en lancha una parte del Danubio que hace frontera entre Serbia y Rumania es de los mejores recorridos fluviales que puede hacer uno en esta vida. Sencillamente maravilloso. Sobre su agua verde puedes observar algunos monumentos como la estatua en roca del líder dacio Decebal o la inscripción de Trajano de la "Tabula Traiana". Una serie de cuevas a la vera del Danubio también son un aliciente.Se pueden coger bastantes paseos fluviales desde Orsova por unos 10€ al cambio

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