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Flea Markets were excellent but the number of beggars hastling visitors was quite scary. We felt very threatened when not inside the antique shops.


The Flea market (Les Puces) in Paris is made of a dozen small markets (located adjacently to the Peripherique between Porte de Clignancourt and Porte de St Ouen) each of them wearing its individual name (Biron, Vernaison, Paul Bert, Serpette, Malik, Malassis, etc...), each having several alleys and focusing on specific goods (books, furniture, cloths, etc...). As a Parisian born, I have been there several times in my life as a teen ager, student, etc... I went back there this year with my wife just before Xmas.It has indeed changed a lot in the last 30 years, has become much more "touristic" (forget good furniture bargains, those are not in Paris anymore....). Be ware of pickpockets, especially when crowded around you..., and ignore the hassle.But do not be put off by the cloth market when you get out of the tube. Just walk "deeper" in those markets. Having a small map downloaded on your phone might be very useful...Try to go there on a cold winter Sunday morning to ensure less crowd (but after 10am otherwise not all the stalls will be open...). Dress very warmly and forget the car if you go there after 11:00am.You will obviously hear all stall owners always complaining about French having no money anymore but touching every object and about rich Americans having fled France. They might even ignore you when eating together their hot fish or onion soup inside their open stalls.Despite all this, there is definitely a unique atmosphere to be felt there. I would not go there very often but I do enjoy it every time because it's a world in itself.


Most of the items for sale are made in China knock offs. Not a friendly pleasant environment. Constantly worried about pick pockets. It is at the end if the city and a long train ride. I regretted wasting my time there.


You take Metro line 4 Porte de Clignancourt direction/station, you walk straight and there is a trick here; please totally ignore any market stalls on the left; it is all valueless. Keep walking straight till you go under motorway, now on your left, there are two markets:1- Marche Vernaison: This is an area of 9 alleys of old antiques/furniture/artistic/beautiful/used things. This is the affordable place to buy from, it has treasures of past, you will really enjoy walking into those tiny alleys, just beware of your belongings.2- Marche Dauphine, aka; Marche aux Puces de Saint-Ouen: This is a rich 2 floors area of antiques/paintings/old clothes/furniture/books but with high prices Note that these markets are open only on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, Enjoy, that was a one lovely day.


When you come out of the Metro you will find it difficult to see any signs for the market. However, you should see a large general market to your left. Keep this on your left - there is nothing in this market that will interest you and it is the first of many places where you may be hassled - so walk on the opposite side of the street until you are able to go under a motorway and one of the main flea markets will be in front of you. If you come with an idea of what you want and a reasonable idea of price then there are bargains to be had. Also if there appears to be a lot of window-shopping and people are not obviously buying then bargaining is a good idea.Finally, whatever advice you get to be on guard against thieves, just double it!!! I thought I had things under control with a light-weight shoulder bag and was ready for people trying to tamper with its zip fasteners. But I wasn't so ready for someone to actually slash a hole in the side of the bag with a very sharp blade. Although I felt people were too close to me and held onto my bag more tightly I didn't immediately realise what had happened. I was lucky! I didn't challenge my knife wielding thief nor did I lose anything but you might not be so lucky!! The best advice is to put your wallet or purse into a pocket and keep your hand in there too. Be on your guard and don't enter into crushes of people. There are a number of road-works around the various markets and people deliberately block these narrow approaches so that crowds build up as people try and funnel through. So avoid bottle-necks like the plague.None of this is intended to put you off going - its interesting and worth a visit - just be careful.


It can be overwhelming, but with fortitude it's totally worth it. Once you pass the clothes and get into the antique area one thing is more beautiful than the next. I really had to talk myself out of this fantastic chandelier (retro 50's). There was just no way I could walk it back to the metro and then get it back to the states. It was reasonable given it's fabulousness. There are restaurants which dot the alley ways. Wonderful guy from Bretegne making crepes. You need to wear comfortable shoes, and comfortable clothes. And if you don't speak fluent French it's a lot harder to get a bargain. But do try, it makes it more fun.


Enormous flea market! More like a small city. I have never seen anything like it. You could stay a week and not see it all!


What a dump! Suggest that you AVOID! It is pretty much a ghetto. Filthy, rubbish on the streets & pavements. Bad looking dirty people "hanging around" looking for easy targets ( pickpocket gangs & muggers) Could not believe French authorities could allow a place to get this bad. Every second car has been broken into and we did not feel safe walking around even during the day!!! Horrible!!!!!!!


A fun experience to view everything from bulk candy to antiques of every kind to military surplus to new shoes and clothing.If you are thirsty be aware that sitting at an outdoor cafe means €5 sodas. Bring or buy bottled water, go to a standup/take away vendor. I had a wonderful espresso for only€1.50.


We, Aussies came to buy but have nothing to show for the effort. We love markets but this is a shopping centre surrounded by rubbish market stalls. Would not bother particularly in the afternoon.


We just returned from our Paris vacation and the worlds largest flea market was quite an experience. The official name of the flea market is Les Puces de Saint-Ouen but more known by Les Puces (the fleas). On the metro map we took the RER A (red) train to the Chatelet Les Halles Station and the took the metro 4 (purple) to the very last stop which was Porte de Clignancourt. The flea market is just a short walk down the street. The markets are open on Saturdays (9 to 6), Sundays (10 to 6), Mondays (11 to 5). Many shops close at noon on Mondays and many are not open at all on Mondays. Being the largest flea market approx 120,000 to 180,000 visitors will attend every weekend. You must remember a few very important points! The first being to be extremely careful of pick pocket artists. Do not take your passports. Remember to negotiate. We have been here many times before and many of the dealers are ok with letting you walk as they are comfortable with waiting for the next customer. Be careful of antiques as they may not be as old as you think, or presented. It is a great experience but you must be on your guard. Keep your wallet in your front pocket with a hand on it. This does not mean that you will have to ruin your day looking over your shoulder but just be aware of your surroundings.Rich and Dr. Linda W


We spent severals hours here on a Sunday, I think this is a must-see for everyone travelling to Paris. Our favourite markets were Vernaison with all sorts of fantastic and peculiar second hand articles and Dauphin with tons of vintage clothes and books. You can find a lot of information and a very useful map from http://www.marcheauxpuces-saintouen.com/9en.aspx?sr=2There are a lot of places to eat, sit down for a beer and many clean bathroom facilities.


We live in Paris and have made a number of trips to this amazing market. You can find almost everything here, and there is room for a little haggling of price, especially if you pay in cash and are taking the item abroad. Very difficult to see the whole market in one day, but definitely worth a visit if you like looking at gorgeous things!!


I love browsing through the flea markets AND the more modern market - take planty of cash. Only problem is so many lovely things and no easy way to get them back to the UK! Well worth a visit - been twice now and love it. Head upstiars in The Marche Dauphin for the best vontage clothes market ever!

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