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This is the richest medieval church in Florence, which features frescoes...




之后,我们去到了圣十字大教堂,不知是不是我们感兴趣的点比较奇葩,我们去到的景点大多并没有那么多的游客,但这里安葬着伽利略、米开朗琪罗、但丁、马可尼等人,绝对是不能错过!购买语音导览(英文,没有中文)时,所谓的这个教堂的boss很nice地给了我们优惠价,我很好奇但又无从知晓这个所谓的boss到底是什么人的boss~还很有意思的是,这个教堂竟然还有欢乐优惠时段,即happy hours,这是之前在各个教堂都没有见过的~在里面待了很久,熟悉的名人姿势,一遍遍地听着导览里对他们的解说,从未离他们如此的近。




我们在开启佛罗伦萨旅行之前凑了一张行程表,希望将一些旅游景点揉进我们1天半的行程中。我们一共参观了3个地方,包括大教堂、韦奇奥宫(Palazzo Vecchio)和圣十字圣殿(Basilica di Santa Croce),其中最喜欢的就是圣十字圣殿了,这里有很多著名艺术家的墓碑。与之相比,大教堂就要逊色一些。圣殿里面的画、雕塑、壁画、纪念碑都非常漂亮,天花板上的壁画也是如此,每件艺术品都令人赞不绝口。我们是下午4点45进场的,门票是每人6欧元(售票处于下午五点准时关门)。尽管5点半就要关门,再去外面的花园和博物馆之前,我们依然有充足的时间在里面参观。博物馆里面有一些很美的画作,另外一栋陶瓷屋顶的建筑有12世纪的十字架。再参观完所有之后,大概是5点45的样子,员工已经开始疏导客人离开了。这里绝对值得一去,强烈推荐,很开心我们将其他行程去掉,选择了这里,实在是开心极了。










Maybe the most beautiful Basilica in Florence (although it is definitely not easy to make a rank).It has an amazing interior, I really loved it.


We paid the extra to have the audio tour, which basicly means they give you a small tablet and you can watch videos or read the relevant information to what you are looking at. It cost us 6euros to enter, and another 6euros for the audio, and that's each. At first we thought about it but I'm glad we did now as it really did help us understand what we were looking at. Also, when you come to see some of the frescos and learn of the damage done to them after the 1966 floods, I was happy to pay the money. It's really interesting but be warned, we set aside one hour and was in there for two and a half and could have stayed longer. I think that was because we found the audio so interesting. Go early to avoid the crowds, it's lovely to wander around when it's a little quieter.


Entrance is 6 euros - value for money !!! A stunning building, both exterior and interior are beautiful. The final resting place of Michaelangelo and many more. Visit early in the morning as it is less crowded and quieter. The cloisters and small garden are attractive and have a Henry Moore sculpture which is a surprising addition.


Santa Croce was our first stop when we visited Florence in mid-March. The interior and the memorial monuments were beautiful and definitely worth seeing. The entrance fee was only 6 euros and the place was not too crowded on Monday afternoon. Would recommend!


A must see on a visit to Florence. The Basilica di Santa Croce has an amazing interior.The wall frescoes are so colourful and detailed that they are breathtakingly beautiful. It is also a very humbling experience to be stood in the middle of the final resting place of Michaelangelo, Galileo, Machiavelli etc.


Highlight of Florence for me.. The final resting place of Michaelangelo, Galileo Galilei and many more. An amazing highlight for fans of the renaissance and the great italian minds... In the church you will also find a resting place for Dante Alighieri, but this one is empty. Dante Alighieri, father of italian language, is burried in Ravenna. The church Santa Croce might not look as imperssive as the Duomo from the outside, BUT the inside is much more interessting from my point of view. There is an entrance to be paid, but there is a reason for it. Enjoy this amazing place!


Basilica di Santa Croce speaks volumes of art, history, religion and faith. I felt in awe from the first step I took inside the church. It is filled with "the souls" of the ones who created the world as we know it today. If you are a history/ art fan you will love this place. Save at least 2 hours for it when you plan your trip.

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