baptistery of san giovanni (battistero)


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baptistery of san giovanni (battistero)







If you Re going up the duomo cupola, make sure that you go here too. I had been a couple of times some years previously and want going to go again but it is simply a wonderful place. Don't miss it.


When you walk in you think oh! Just one building but what a building even covered in scaffolding. The ceiling is pretty unbelievable.


Just magnificent despte all the poeple. It is magnificent. Late afternoon is the best time to visit. There is nothing to dislike. Naturally one would prefer a more serene atmosphere


The ceiling of the Baptistery is the gorgeous part of it, together with the East door outside (though this is not the original one). The only thing I didn't like much was that the ticket is more expensive because it includes several other attractions that not necessarily we wish to visit. This includes the dome of the Cathedral and the very high tower, both accessible only after hundreds of steps up and down, and the museum of the Duomo, which was closed when I visited. And, the cathedral itself if free. So, the ticket doesn't seem fair to me. But, the Baptistery is very beautiful.


It has some very beautiful and uniques features. It is not very large and you can complete your visit in 30 minutes or less.


Walk in through the dingy entrance and then let your jaw hit the floor as you gaze up at the majestic mosaics. Some of the side chambers have charming frescoes whilst the altar is as ornate as you would expect. It's dazzling.NB In February 2015, the famous bronze doors and the building's exterior were still being refurbished but the ceiling of this building alone was enough for me.


We purchased a €10 for Il Duomo, the Bell Tower and the Baptistery. Although stunning inside (external doors are currently covered for renovation), there's no audio tour and the leaflet is quite sparse on information so we had guess who most of the figures are. Worth seeing if you have an inclusive ticket but not a must do.


When we were there the Baptistery was hidden in scaffolds. But the mosaics in the interior were impressive and definetely worth the visit.


By visiting the Baptistry you get a historical perspective of Firenze that is broader than the dominant Renaissance period. We were wondering why they make such a big deal about a "crypt" - I suspect that things that have to do with death intrigue people, but this is only one aspect of this interesting site.


You'll be in the area for Duomo anyway. Just purchase the 10 euro museum pass to see this and five other attractions.


Not much to see other than the mosaics but they are exquisite. You have to buy a ticket in the cathedral or bell tower as there is no ticket office on site, but the ticket includes climbing the dome and the bell tower as well as entrance into the museum.


The building is small but beautiful. The inside of the dome is wonderfully decorated. It is a small building so will only take a short while to explore and appreciate.


The exterior was under renovations and covered which was a little disappointing. The fake famous doors have very poor lighting. Inside is incredible with Gothic art on the ceiling

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