kleine evangelische kirche


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kleine evangelische kirche



This listing is not located in in Kleve (Schleswig-Holstein) but in Kleve (North Rhine-Westphalia). Representative of one of the best attributes of the early medieval Kleve rulers: tolerance. Religion rather served as a way of power preservation: if the ruler was protestant or Catholic, his subjects had to follow his example. In 1532 Duke John the peaceful, Duke of Cleves, made a decreed: the so-called "Kleve Church Constitution", which resulted in religious freedom (a very daring deed at the time!). Apart from a Reformed municipality also a small Lutheran Church was established, who were allowed to keep their first service in 1611 on the Swan Castle. Thanks to donations from the Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden, a new small Lutheran Church was inaugurated but was almost completely destroyed by a bombing in 1944, reconstruction into the current simple Evangelical Church took place 7 years past the war, 1955 reconsecrated. Its exterior is faithfully restored, its Interior has changed.


Die Konzerte dort sind immer ein Genuss. Zuschauerzahl überschaubar, meist ausgebucht. Interessantes Programm.


Como muitas das Igrejas que sobreviveram a Segunda Guerra Mundial, essa também tem suas particularidades, cemitério nos fundos,area sombreada com enormes arvores, muito bonito, dentro da igreja dois órgãos que acompanham o culto nas cançoes.


Uma Igreja Luterana, muito bonita, antiga e muito bem preservada, aqui tem muita historia da região, vale uma visita

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