hsinchu guandi temple


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hsinchu guandi temple





城隍庙是新竹的三级古蹟 这边到了假日挤满了人潮 都是香客前来祭拜神明 这边还有好吃的传统美食 新竹米粉 新竹贡丸 还有知名的新竹小肉圆 ~~ 当与神明祭拜完之后 适合来这边来一碗米粉贡丸喔


Visitors with a knowledge of Chinese religion will find some unusual (i.e., interesting) features in this temple. It is dedicated to Guandi, but also has a special section for Wenchang, as well as shrines for the Tai sui deity and for the "Red Rabbit Horse (it sounds better in Chinese - 赤兔马 - as in fast as a rabbit - like Guandi himself, the horse appears in the story Romance of the Three Kingdoms)." We were there near the end of the lunar year, so there was a giant paper horse, which we assume will be burned at some point - as well as decoration on stone statues of a man leading a horse. Not something you would normally see.For those who don't know temples as well, you can go on a weekend to see people coming in to burn incense and ask the deity questions. It's a very active place, and somehow more welcoming than the Chenghuang temple.

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